Por comprometerse a vivir un Estilo de Vida Sostenible y ayudar a conseguir los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas.

La Posada del Candil was the 20 places to do a "Remote Escape" through Europe. This article highlights the proximity of La Posada to the city of Granada and the magical place where it is surrounded by hills and valleys belonging to the Sierra de los Filabres.

La Posada del Candil was the 1st Starlight Rural House in Andalusia. This certification system created by the Starlight Foundation accredits spaces for the quality of the sky and for their efforts in protection and conservation. It is supported by UNESCO, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

The "Q" for Tourism Quality is the brand that represents quality in the Spanish tourism sector. La Obtaining this Distinction has meant a continuous and constant examination for La Posada del Candil, but it has been worth it because we work on continuous improvement in the provision of service, safety and professionalism. It is awarded by the Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality.

Restaurant Campaigns Against Hunger
La Posada del Candil participates in this Solidarity Initiative promoted by Acción contra el Hambre in collaboration with the Spanish Hospitality Federation. We, the hoteliers, unite to fight against child malnutrition by allocating part of the proceeds to measures for its prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Restaurante Kilómetro 0
Km0 Restaurants seek collaboration between Cooks and Local Producers to face the abandonment of traditional culture and the standardization of food.

Duna Awards
La Posada del Candil, had the opportunity to receive this award given by the Mediterranean Ecologist Group along with other winners such as the Lighthouse of Cabo de Gata and the Society for the Study and Recovery of Biodiversity Almeria (Serbal). The reason for this award is the distinction of people, groups or entities that stand out for their work in the preservation of the environment, sustainable development or the conservation of artistic historical heritage in the province of Almeria.

Almanzora Valley Awards
Organized by La Voz de Almería, Cadena SER and Los 40 Principales, are a tribute to those neighbors who with their good work collaborate so that the towns of this Almeria Valley are increasingly prosperous and gain in quality of life. In the case of La Posada del Candil, in Serón, we received the Company Award for the Contribution to Regional Tourism.

Flag of Andalusia, special distinction awarded by the Junta de Andalucía

TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence

Systematically receiving high scores from our customers

Guest Review Awards 2017